Transnational Project Meetings (TPM)

During the project plan, there are at least three (3) transnational project group meetings per year planned. A schedule is set up for the meetings. The meetings will either prepare the next stage in the project plan (thus needing to have a formal Go/No Go) or follow up on a previous project stage where results need to be formalized or approved (i.e. budget/accountant statements). Always present will be Group 1 = the appointed project manager, and all project coordinators of the partners. In certain moments Group 2 = the managers and/or directors of the colleges will join in as they form the supervising board as legal representatives. And to create a better bonding/understanding of the formal process also the local developers of the leading partner will be present (they are not part of the grant request per TPM, and their presence is financially covered by their local college).

Online meetings TPM01 +TPM02

The originally planned TPM1 and TPM2 have not been held in live settings. These were carried out as online web meetings in September 2020 and January 2021 as online web meetings. The web meeting TPM1 was a kickoff meeting to short to discuss all topics so an additional TPM web meeting was held in November 2020.

In TPM1 the COVID-19 effects on the project were discussed and the major project management procedures were agreed upon. As the prepayment was not yet received an additional TPM was held with the main topic of the allocation of the funds

The web-based TPM2 had the main focus on the development process and the uniformity of the IO products. As the IO development groups had a first ‘general assembly’ to introduce themselves and to explain the activities and development in their modules.

TPM01 ROCvAF - Hilversum

In Week 47/November 2021 the first live TPM was organised in Hilversum. After all web based meetings it was good to organise this TPM and have a live discussion about steps, activities, outcomes, impact, preparations, etc. Originally this TPM was planned one year earlier. Besides the required discussions about project activities, timeline and financial affairs, the main focus was to conclude if we were still on the same track with our developments and we could see the same type of outcomes for all IO’s.

During the TPM01 a session with an ambassador of Etwinning Netherlands, Amanda van Dijk, was organised. This session gave the participants a better insight into the platform in preparation towards student participation.

In total 11 people did participate in this TPM. The participants also experienced two meetings with external partners in the LTTA which are to be organised in The Netherlands, visit an Esports facility.

TPM02 CEES - VIC / Barcelona

The second live TPM was held in VIC/Barcelona (week 18-2022) where CEES organised the meeting. The objective of this TPM2 was to evaluate all previous activities such as the LTTA of the teachers/staff and the LTTA of the students/learners. And also to prepare the next phase of the project with a multiplier event after the summer 2022 period at ESAB/Potsdam.

The TPM-schedule was modified as the original schedule was heavily influenced by Covid19. TPM03 and TPM04 with their matching content were planned after TPM05 (which is the Mulitplier Event preparation) but in that way, the main topic of those will be the same though it will be for the second series of the module carousel.

TPM03 ESAB - Potsdam

TPM03 was to evaluate the modification process of the Module Carousel and to establish the ongoing activities with the development of the Intellectual Output (in this case the blueprint of the Module Carousel concept). The participants were the project group leaders from all countries and the local IO developers of ESAB.

Also, this TPM was intended to prepare the Multiplier Event which was conducted at the ESAB facilities right after the TPM.

TPM04 Pajulahti - Nastola

This TPM was originally mentioned as TPM06 in the original application. Participants were the local project managers and their supervisors as part of the supervisor board. The objective of this meeting was to conclude the results of the first Multiplier Event in Potsdam. And also to align the budgets for the last period of the project. The supervisor board approved the current budget status, through the presentation of the leading project manager. The data was supplied earlier for the internal meetings with the partners.

Additionally, the program for the next period was approved. In this program, a second run of the Module Carousel was included (not as part of the project but as proof of the sustainability of the developed product/service).

TPM05 series - all locations

This series of TPM was originally planned as TPM07 after the first pilot run of the Module Carousel but due to the fact that we delayed the original TPMs at the beginning of the project, we decided to use one earlier TPM for the pilot evaluation and to use this TPM in a smaller setting at the second run of the Module Carousel.

This would offer a better indication of the opinions of the students compared to the pilot run of the carousel. We have securely taken into account the budget labelled to the TPMs to ensure that we have the opportunity to arrange this more locally.

This TPM05-series is now a split version of the TPM07 as we have it connected to the second Module Carousel execution in 2023 at all partner locations. The program has been agreed to be largely similar at TPM05-a/b/c/d as we follow the same set-up for the evaluation of the (pilot) run of the module performed at the colleges. This provided the opportunity to evaluate with the main developers the module and to align all the details for the future as we want to perform this Module Carousel again in 2024.

This TPM series gave, besides the planned evaluation of the local module and the IO development , also the opportunity to host potential new entries in the Module Carousel. Representatives of those interested colleges observed and experienced the live performance of the Module, the content and the experiences of both staff members of the partners and the present active students. The local project team provided an introduction of the Module Carousel, the introduction of the ECVET principles, the development process of Units of Learning Outcomes, other EU opportunities/platforms, the prerequisites for hosting/accommodation and also the idea of a transnational project activity.

TPM06 CEES - VIC/Barcelona

This TPM was originally in the application TPM04. As we have had several TPMs closely after each other in the window when live meetings were allowed after COVID-19 at the beginning of the project, we decided to have this TPM positioned later in the timeline. This allowed us to maintain the topic 'General Scope Check' but also to do this after the second run of the Module Carousel. It allowed a more in-depth evaluation of the programs presented in the modules and had the IO developers give their final opinion of the Units of Learning Outcomes which they constructed. And to see if their previous modifications after the first Module Carousel showed improvements.

Also, the IO developers had the opportunity to use the data from the student's evaluations of the previous LTTA. Now a formal approvement of the final products was realised. We have evaluated the use of KA1 mobility for the Module Carousel too, as some students used that for their participation in the Module Carousel (from Germany and Finland). This seems to be a good way to get students to participate, even at a later stage from other colleges currently not participating in this project.

TPM07 ROCvA - Hilversum

The objective of this TPM was to prepare the second Multiplier Event and to evaluate all the data that was obtained from the evaluation sessions with the previous TPM's. Present were all project managers and some assisting IO-developers of the hosting partner who presented their results. The results were also used as input for the Multiplier event 2 to show the student's evaluations and perceptions of the modules.

This TPM also gave us the opportunity to reflect on the process the partners went through during the previous years, where challenges such as not-live meetings, and delays of live activities were securely handled and turned into a great project. These were taken into account as part of the Multiplier Event preparation with solutions and other opportunities (like smaller-scale activities and intensive contacts through other media i.e. phone, and web calls) that could overcome these unsuspected barriers.

TPM08 ROCvA - Hilversum

The objective of this TPM (originally TPM11) was the finalising of the final report of the project. Present were all project managers and their responsible supervisors being part of the supervising board. The participants provided their materials for the final report, and the data related to the financial accountability for the budgets labelled to their activities. The supervisor board was presented with an overview of all activities, and the objectives for the future (to ensure that outcomes and concepts are integrated in the upcoming school year).

They also approved the financial accounts of all partners based on the reports from the leading project manager, supported by the information of the local project managers. The layout and content of the final report were discussed. Materials for this report either were already present at the web-based server or were obtained (from external sources i.e. newspapers) to support the final report. Part of the agenda has been the continuation of the Module Carousel. And options for a new KA2 project application in 2024.