Intellectual Outputs (IO)
The Intellectual Output (IO) is a module description based on the ECVET principle, a so-called 'Unit of Learning Outcomes' (as this concept was not known to the majority of the partners) and a full educational plan for students describing the Knowledge /Skills/Competencies which are covered in this module. The developed Unit was performed as an extra curriculum module to test the effects of the development (pilot run). We created five modules as 'Units of Learning Outcomes' and described this process in a 'Blueprint' which were the IO's of the Erasmus+ KA2 project.
Each IO was covered by a development team consisting of a leading partner and a supporting partner, in total 4 persons. The IO development teams had their own communication and web-based meetings, matching the overall project schedule during the course of the project. For these development teams, we had a first ‘general assembly’ online during COVID 19 period shortly after the project team had their online Kick Off, to introduce themselves and to explain the activities and development in their modules.The members of the IO development teams got special sessions on how to apply the ECVET principles to their Units of Learning Outcomes. This was one of the objectives of the project. In the end all teams have delivered Units with the same design, showing Knowledge/Skills/Competencies.
The objectives realized are, in terms of innovation: Forming an initial stage of a transnational curriculum constructed upon ECVET and accepted by all partner colleges using this Unit of Learning Outcomes as a qualification with a certificate for each participant; incorporation of EU tools to prepare and guide students for this module (i.e. eTwinning or Europass) the formation of a network of colleges in secondary vocational sports education (which did not exist previously to this project) and the interest formed with other similar colleges throughout Europe.
The work of the IO development teams was not finished when the pilot runs of the Module Carousel were performed. They had to work on improvements in the Units and the related educational program. As the IO development came to practice with performing the modules in live settings for students as their Learning, Teaching and Training Activities (LTTA).
In the final stage of the realized outcomes, we have seen that the Units also were integrated, not by means of the Module Carousel, but in the educational program of two of the colleges. At Pajulahti Sports Institute the students can obtain study points for joining in the program as part of their normal education. In The Netherlands with MBO College Hilversum/ROC van Amsterdam, the students can choose to join in a ‘special’ which is the Module Carousel, giving them also points for their regular education towards a full degree. This was not an outcome of the project but an additional result of the efforts of the IO development and the LTTAs performed.
IO1 High Professional Soccer Advisor/ Coach
The opportunities CEES has, both regionally and internationally, in working with highly professional soccer organisations and other specialists in this field made the decision to formalize this module ‘High Professional Soccer Advisor/coach’ at this college.
IO2 EHealth and sports
The experiences the ROC van Amsterdam has, due to their cooperation with local health care organisations, their internal practoraat ‘Sports, Health and Exercise’ and digital pioneers in multimedia XR-lab form the base for this innovative subject in creating a better healthier lifestyle through sports.

IO3 Coach in Adaptive Needs wintersports
Winter-sports is a separate sector in sports instruction. Adaptive Needs sports performers have a huge need for specialist coaches who are able to support them during the sports performance. Pajulahti Sports Institute is the only institute in Finland with the Paralympic status for wintersports. National sports federations use the experienced staff to enhance their Paralympic program.
IO4 Occupational Health Management
More and more companies or public departments understand the role of sports in public health and take the offer of sports specialists to organise health days or health and activity courses for their employee. The leading partner ESAB cooperates with local organisations from Brandenburg in form of support and experiences exchange, thus developing, organising and leading the Health Days as an offer for local companies or public departments.
IO5 Esports as E-athlete
Esports is a new phenomenon within the domain of sports. Is gaming a sport? Does it bring new elements of sports or work? The ROC van Amsterdam has partnered up with different organisations to investigate the possibility of creating an education in esports. People's preparation and awareness of esports effects require special programs involving lifestyle, physical preparation, coaching, etc. are in this module development.

Module Carousel Blueprint
To allow others to use the same concept of our Module Carousel a 'Blueprint' is constructed. Users can follow our steps in creating their own module carousel with their partners.
Module Carousel in Vocational Sports Education
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