I04 Occupational Health Management

More and more companies or public departments understand the role of sports in public health and take the offer of sports specialists to organise health days or health and activity courses for their employees. ESAB is a non-profit organization which is the provider of all education and further education connected to the Sports Association of the Federal State Brandenburg (Germany). As it is based on the specific characteristics of the college responsible for the development of this module it has the title ‘Occupational Health Management’ and is developed by ESAB Berufliche Schule Potsdam.

By using the Unit of Learning Outcomes principle we offered the participating students a better orientation and position in the realm of occupational health management international experience with a focus on activities, healthy lifestyle and prevention IN COMPANIES !!! , or preparation for a higher level of occupational health management.

Addressing Needs

Occupational health management, with exercise programmes for improving the cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal systems, can increase job performance. Occupational health aims to promote and maintain the physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations and is concerned with the relationship between health and work.

The availability of efficient fitness training programmes at work, offered by dedicated trainers/professionals, can decrease sickness absence and reduce the duration of absences. So it pays its tributes to public health and therefore to the goals of international sustainability.


A module within the Module Carousel which realizes orientation and a better position in realm of occupational health management through international experience with a focus on activities, healthy lifestyle and prevention IN COMPANIES!

Elements of Innovation

Combination of Hybrid Learning and Blended learning, realising i.e. entrepreneurial skills for this sector, advisory techniques/methods, and specialistic skills to work in high professional environments.


The VET students practice, in an interchange of cultures, occupational health management under circumstances they might not know from their own countries or are not available there.

Note: The development process of all Intellectual Outputs has been the same. Therefore 'Elements of Innovation and Results' count for every IO. More is explained through the documents of each IO in the Dissemination part.