Besides the two multiplier events, we have incorporated several ways to disseminate the project and give extra attention to our activities of our project. From the start, we have used different channels to spread the information.
Dissemination was done by:
Publication of the various activities on social media of the partners. Examples can be seen in the annexes. More than 300-1000x were viewed the different posts.
The information was shared with the partners and the organisations worked with via email.
Video footage has been taken of the implementation of the modules which in turn has been exploited for promotion to other students and after the return of the participating students has also been exploited for an explanation of the learning unit implemented (obligation at each college as part of a foreign exchange).
A website is available where the whole project is visible to the outside world with all the elaborations of the blueprint, the Units of Learning Outcomes and the TPMs, Multiplier Events and modules held. Includes visuals of various activities.
A digital project magazine is to be published by the leading partner (available November 2023)
The information was available at different audience levels.
Local audience
Regional/national audience
EU/international audience
Teachers and staff of partners not participating in IO-development or LTTA. Students of all partners to be able to join the modules through their college application process.
Community organisations such as town governments.
Press organisations for publication in local news/magazines/newspapers
Other colleges, and partners in other international activities, in the same sector who could be interested in participating in the module (i.e. Portugal, Norway, Ireland, Belgium).
Experts and optional organisations who participated as knowledge providers or practical experience providers.
In the case of colleges participating in a joint organisation, to their staff members (i.e. ROC van Amsterdam has 4 other locations beside MBO College Hilversum) through meetings or digital media.
Through sector alliance meetings with other colleges in the same sector
Through cross-sector meetings with other sectors interested in the concept of the Module Carousel
Multiplier Event 1
The Multiplier Event 1 was organized in Potsdam Germany in November 2022. Over 50 people attended this event from different backgrounds i.e. local government, other regional colleges, sports organisations and students.
The program consisted of a general introduction of the Module Carousel, the activities performed till then and the partners involved in the organization of the project. Additionally, each of the colleges had round table meetings with the attendees, presenting their module with audiovisual materials and interactive discussions. A rotation from one to another presenter and topic was conducted so attendees had time enough to explore their interests.
At the end of the event the parties who were interested in joining in as new module providers stayed for a discussion with the partners of the project about the concept of the Module Carousel and the development process.
The impact of this Multiplier Event was shown later on in the next phases of the project as the interested parties appeared once more at the next Module Carousel, appr. four months later. More external organisations participated in the module presented by the local partner ESAB in the second round of the carousel in March 2024.
Multiplier Event II
The Multiplier Event II was organized in Hilversum-The Netherlands in June 2023. Over 60 people attended this event with input from several external organisations which participated in the module as expert knowledge providers.
The program consisted of a two-day mini symposium where each partner provided workshops related to their module and overall results from the project were presented. Details on the results are seen in our infographic.
Participants in ME II were either from the partners (appr. 10 from the partners in Finland, Germany and Spain, appr. 25 from the local partner in The Netherlands), from external organisations such as other vocational colleges or educational organisations and some of the commercial field.
The program had major contributions from experts who have been either in the modules as knowledge providers or as a supporter of the project through their participation in the IO-development: Paul van den Heuvel with 'Coaching is a Passion', Prof. Dr. Olaf Prieske with 'Physical Exercise Training in the Workplace', Dennis Kooy/Sport Data Valley with 'The use of Data in Sports Coaching', Harro Hilgeman with 'The importance of healthy employees', Aija Saari PhD/Finnish Paralympic Committee with 'Promoting social inclusion in and through sports studies', Yvonne Cassee/Adaptive Wintersports NL with 'The role students can play in adaptive needs wintersports coaching', Miquel Puig with 'Life at La Masia for Barcelona's youth sports athletes' and Milo van Heugten with 'Esports as E-athlete'.
This mixture made it possible to have a lively interaction between the audience, workshop presenters, and the project team. Two students presented their experiences with the module in a live presentation. A video was shown to support the student experience.
Link to video on student experience in LTTA
Module Carousel in Vocational Sports Education
For more details: info@sportenbewegenhilversum.nl