In this Erasmus+ KA2 project 'Module Carousel in Vocational Sports Education' we have realised, as part of the Intellectual Output, some documents which are free available for other organisations to use. Please find them at the end of this webpage as a link.
Sustainability of the project and the outcomes
The intention of the project was to establish a long-lasting relationship between all partners and to create a unique product for their students. As stated before the Module Carousel will be incorporated in the regular program for international experiences for students after the pilot sessions with all partners (and is already fixed in the curriculums of Pajulahti Sports Institute and MBO College Hilversum/ROC van Amsterdam). The Module Carousel was performed again for a second time in 2023 and is already planned with a new group of students in week 10+11 of 2024 with at least all the same partners. This indicates that the partners have made the outcome of this project already a part of their school program
Participation of students in the Module Carousel is enabled through the Erasmus+ KA1 mobility of their own colleges. When Erasmus+ KA1 is not available, students have the opportunity to rely on special funding within their colleges, depending on the financial resources of the college. In case some students can not participate due to financial limitations other funding methods are optional, such as local Crowd Funding where students realise their own budget for international exchange.
As the partners have agreed upon an integration of the Module Carousel for a longer period (when the project is finalised) they will provide their own resources for both the implementation and the performance of each module at their college when it comes to the IO-development. Staff members will be appointed for this (i.e. teaching staff, technical and administrative support). New staff members of each college will be allowed to get trained too, to acquire knowledge on the modules and the module carousel to be ensure a deeper knowledge of the concept of the transnational curriculum development. Staff members (i.e. teachers or IO developers) will be able to disseminate their knowledge of the development process of the earlier mentioned blueprint, after the project has been finalised, through different knowledge exchange sessions in their own or other countries.
A follow-up with the same partners within Erasmus+ applications for the continuation of this project with an extension of partners throughout Europe is in preparation.
Transferability and Impact
We have taken into account with the development of this Intellectual Output several aspects of transferability and impact:
Current Qualification Dossiers within vocational education are not yet easily comparable between multiple countries. By means of this process (because we started with a new extra-curricular subject) existing dossiers are more easily to be redefined. The education providers can use the development process we have applied with the development of modules based on Units of Learning Outcomes for establishing a transnational curriculum.
By using the Unit of Learning Outcomes principle we offered the participating students a better position in the realm of soccer coach/club technical manager, in Ehealth + sports, Occupational Health Management, Coach in Adaptive Needs Wintersports and supporting E-athletes in Esports or preparation for a higher level of soccer coach education due to the fact that it is clear which Knowledge/Skills/Competencies the participant has acquired.
Federations in sports could use also this process with ECVET and Learning Outcomes to create a transnational curriculum for their own sports as our experience has been that even in their own sports on EU-level this is not the case.
Local organisations at the leading partner of each module have benefited from foreign insights on the subject as their foreign partners provide their knowledge and insights into the specific topic. The development process with Learning Outcomes and transnational similar modules is transferable to other specialist educations outside sports when there is no transnational curriculum.
Click here for: Blueprint Module Carousel
Click here for: IO1 Learning Outcomes & Evidence
Click here for: IO2 Learning Outcomes & Evidence
Click here for: IO3 Learning Outcomes & Evidence
Click here for: IO4 Learning Outcomes & Evidence
Click here for: IO5 Learning Outcomes & Evidence
Module Carousel in Vocational Sports Education
For more details: